Designing Multiple Driver Experiments

MEDDLE’s sixth training workshop was recently held in Lima, Peru (13th-16th September 2022) during the 5th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 world, in order to assist early career and established researchers in overcoming logistics in carrying out high quality multi-driver experiments, whilst also assisting them in completing research which is impactful and publishable.

Participants during the symposium were invited to participate in a three-day interactive and hands-on course that encouraged them to design a multi-driver experiment following a seven step iterative process:

This step-by-step process allows researchers to break down the complex nature of multi-driver experiments into digestible chunks, allowing for careful consideration of drivers, experimental design and statistical analysis.

Check out McGraw et al (2021): Developing a Multiple Driver Research Strategy Using Multiple Environmental Driver Design Lab for Experiments for a detailed overview of MEDDLE’s resources and multi-driver training workshops!

Further information and resources available on the MEDDLE website! Includes access to our handbook, decision support tool, video guides and much more!
